Orange and Red Onion Salad 

The thing with salads is they are a treat to our taste buds and also to our eyes. They steal your heart with their vibrant presentation and flavorful taste. You can never have enough of salads because you can have them anytime. They are your appetizer, main course, and dessert, everything. There is a certain myth attached to salads that they are consumed only by the people who want to shed weight but this not the case anymore. It is enjoyed by people of all age groups. So we are back with another mouth-watering salad recipe. Orange and Red Onion Salad is a healthy and unique salad recipe. If you are one of those who doesn’t shy away from experimenting with your food, you should definitely try this recipe. This salad recipe is purely vegan which can easily be prepared at home in a jiffy. It is prepared using the fresh oranges and red onion, a combination which is rarely heard of. But once you have it, we bet you will love it. This low carb salad recipe is dressed using the orange juice to add a tangy taste to the salad. This recipe is apt for potlucks and kitty parties for your vegan guests. Try it and enjoy with your loved ones.

Ingredients of Orange and Red Onion Salad

  • 4 sliced orange
  • 2 pinches salt
  • 2 teaspoon mint leaves
  • 3 tablespoon virgin olive oil
  • 2 medium sliced red onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon powdered black pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon cumin seeds

Step 1 To prepare this healthy salad, start by slicing the oranges and onions. Then, put them in a bowl. Once done, keep it aside. Store the juice of the sliced oranges. We will use it later.

Step 2 Then, prepare a dressing for the salad using the cumin seeds, black pepper powder, mint leaves, olive oil, and salt. Once done, pour it over the salad and toss properly.

Step 3 Pour the reserved orange juice over the salad and keep it aside for around 2 hours.

Step 4 Garnish with the mint leaves and olives. Serve at once.